V i s i t i n g  M e
&  C o n t a c t 

Kadasha Tantra is located In Aarhus C. (Århus) Jylland, Denmark, where sessions are held.
I also travel to Copenhagen regularly. International trips are possible too.
When you apply for a tantra session with me, then let me know:

1) your age.
2) write a few lines about who you are.
3) Let me know why you want a session and how you wish to benefit from it.
4) Add 2-3 dates with time for desired booking.

Then I will get back to you within a few days.

If the questions are not answered / insufficient completed, your mail will go to spam.

Er spørgsmålene ikke besvaret - eller mangelfuldt udfyldt, ryger din mail i spam.

A tantra session is very intimate, for this reason I need to know a little bit about who I let in. If I feel I am not the right therapist for you, I will politely decline.

As a starting point, I will not answer questions, as everything you need to know before a session is to be found on this homepage. If you are the type who wants to know every little detail beforehand, then I am not the right massage therapist for you. As it is only when there is trust that magic can happen. Tantra is very much an art of intuition, for this reason I cannot give more details, as there should be room for the unexpected.
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